Life Challenges

The Powerful Process: Goal Setting

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your future, and for motivating yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality. The ...

The Power of Appreciation

Appreciation is having admiration for others and communicating your approval to them. It is taking the time to make people feel welcome and special...

The Pain of Expectation

The human mind inherently triggers emotional reactions when our ideas about how things should be collide with how things are. We sometimes torment ...

The Hurt In Our Lives

Many people everywhere are struggling through life with the effects of damaged emotions. There are individuals who are psychologically unstable, wh...

The Fear of Being Successful

Fear of failure does appear to be connected to the fear of success. Research has shown that both conditions share many of the same symptoms. Both a...

The Anguish of a Lost Love

Losing someone or something you love us very painful. After a significant loss, you may experience all kinds of difficult and surprising emotions, ...

What is Person Centered Therapy

New Year’s week is a time to think of ways to improve ourselves and our lives in the months to come. Many individuals make resolutions and they pro...

Narcissism vs. Humility

There are many books, articles and studies that warn us of the dangers of not exercising humility. Humility is not hospitality, courtesy, or a kind...

Is Stress a Normal Part In Your Life?

The popularity of the term ‘stress’ has tended to have specific meaning, whereby, individuals may equate stress with worry, anxiety, nervousness, t...

Having an Attitude of Gratitude

The benefits of practicing gratitude are nearly endless. Individuals who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect on the t...

Moving towards your Destiny

Destiny is the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate. Have you ever felt like you have been caught in your comfort ...

Deception: A Secret Involvement

According to Webster Dictionary, deceit is an act or practice, intended to mislead by a false appearance or statement. Deception may be the most da...