Moving towards your Destiny

Destiny is the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

Have you ever felt like you have been caught in your comfort zone? Does it feel like you are spinning your wheels but moving no closer to your goals? Barriers make change, even if we say we really want it, incredible difficult. At times we turn and walk away because it is just too difficult. We decide we will just stay where we are. Destiny might be too difficult. The barriers seem so high, we cannot get around, under, over or through them. If we are really interested in entering into all that Destiny has for us, we have to find a way to remove the walls.

Anytime we try to make any type of positive change that leads to our destiny, we will encounter barriers. You do not need to look down on yourself because you do not think you have enough faith or go around stressed out because change is not happening on your timetable. Change, however, is the first step to move toward all that is destined for our lives.

All you have to do is decide to be open to this area of your life, and be willing to take whatever steps or inspiration call to you. I’m convinced that if you do that, you can’t go wrong, and you will not miss it. Be curious. Enjoy the process. Marvel at life and its richness as you go along. Here are some practical ways to move towards your destiny:

  • Use the ability you have-do what you can, with what you have, where you are. What you have at this moment is what you can handle
  • What you are doing when the boss is not looking-how many employees goes to work every day and do the absolute minimum? Yet you wonder why you never receive a promotion and then attribute your lack of advancement to the prejudice of your employer.
  • Maximize opportunities is a decision – there are defining moments in our careers and lives where we are given the ability to take or to seize an opportunity to change our destiny. What opportunities are you maximizing today?
  • Pursue every opportunity with excellence – excellence is one of the character traits that we are to vigorously to pursue. Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude. Give attention to the details and excellence will come.
  • Never compare your situation or opportunity with that of others – do you compare yourself with others, fellow employees and/or friends and complain when they receive something you did not? You are accountable for your actions, what you do and do not do.
  • How to get the promotion with benefits – only the limitation you face in life are those that are self-inflicted, self-induced, self-maintaining, self-sustaining and self-defeating.

All things are possible, anything, no matter how illogical to the natural mind, can happen in our lives as exercise our faith and believe. “For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible to fulfill.” Luke 1:37 Amp.